Eastern Relief and Development Aid (ERADA / اراده) – Afghanistan Founder’s Message
I feel especially privileged to be writing this message as a founder of “Eastern Relief and Development Aid (ERADA/ اراده) an Afghan local non-profit based Organization.
When I realized my passion and purpose in life is helping others, I wanted to create an organization of relief and development that could serve as a source of help and inspiration in communities.
With such humanitarian objectives ERADA was established having strong message for various purposes, to provide services of relief and development for all people most vulnerable communities in various sectors.
ERADA-Organization also hoping to work in segment of relief & development in agriculture, health, education, social services, Sanitation , Energy and also works for the Development of the youth to make them on the right path and also aware the people with the help of awareness program, motivational events.
At the same time our aim is not just providing people includes men, women, boys and girls with services of relief and development but to empower them with the abilities to have access to all the basic necessities of life enabling them to earn respect and dignity for themselves and their future.
As the founder of ERADA- Org; I believe it’s our duty and responsibility to give back to the society in which we live, in return of the many things we avail from it in our day-to day lives. I and my team’s quest to serve the poor give us strength to work with full dedication, sincerity and honesty. We dream to see brighter communities. The backbone of ERADA-Organization is its team members, Donors, Volunteers and all supporters and well-wishers who are helping in many different ways.
We are very grateful for the support that we get from many individual people that make our work possible. Our team is doing best in every form and hope we can transform the community swiftly.
Our commitment is providing humanitarian services and core values of this organization to empower physical, emotional, intellectual health and wellness of the children, women, teens, adults and senior citizens of communities. In short, ERADA – Organization stands for excellence in public humanitarian service provision leading with transparency.
As humans we all have experienced achievements but also loss and tragedy. Today, with the increasing and compelling social issues that require immediate action, our work demands to be more focused and directed with concentrated efforts, With this renewed aim in mind, we will effectively and efficiently allocate our resources to maximize our social impact. We aim not to change the world but to make a better difference in people social and economic condition. We recognize we cannot be able to help every individual, every community or every country but we strongly believe every single individual is capable helping someone thorough the simple art of delivering services.
We especially stand with the lost, the least and the left behind — with the world’s oppressed, with civilians caught in cycles of conflict and disaster, with the powerless. We stand with them, we advocate for them, and we believe that they can own and lead their own change.
We believe that big social, relief and development problems get solved when government, business and civil society work together, guided by three core principles: accountability/transparency, inclusive participation, and peaceful change. As much as we might wish otherwise, we work with the legitimate leaders that exist — in government, in the private sector, and in civil society. We take pleasure in the opportunity to bring people together for the common good.
Best regards,
Najeebullah Pashtial
(ERADA/ اراده) Founder
Eastern Relief and Development Aid (ERADA / اراده) – Afghanistan Country Director’s Message
Non Government Organizations (NGOs) with nonprofit humanitarian objectives are powerful entities around the globe helping people in need particularly at contexts where governments and other existing institutions are unable to serve public interests. NGOs independent of government and business influence play a critical role in developing society, improving communities, and promoting citizen participation.
Non Government Organizations (NGOs) are imperative pillar of Afghanistan socioeconomic development. NGOs have been actively participating in Afghanistan development since 1970s after this country fell in war and drove to political internal implications. The role of NGOs in Afghanistan became were even more demanding after 2001 when this country needed major support in economic and social development as well as empowering citizen participation. After twenty years 2001 to 2021 NGOs in Afghanistan are still considered as most powerful and reliable bodies to support relief and development efforts needed to the already worsening and edge of collapsing economy for its thirty five million populations more than half youth.
Afghanistan economic development still vastly dependent of NGOs work, Eastern Relief and Development Aid (ERADA / اراده ) Organization was thus registered and established aims to support relief and development operations in Afghanistan eventually enable people to warfare chronic and man-made disasters, poverty and suppression wherever exits.
Eastern Relief and Development Aid (ERADA / اراده ) Organization is looking to work with international, national and local partners in Afghanistan to deliver humanitarian support to people in crisis. This includes key work in relief and development activities to effectively contribute to Afghan Society multi sector support.
I someone in non-profit sector for twenty years; am quite pleased to represent ERADA/ اراده this newly emerging organization and looking to engage with all esteemed humanitarian led organizations to develop society, improving communities and promoting participation of class participation regardless of gender, race, color and any other diversity .
Kind Regards,
Mohammad Ayub
Country Director Eastern Relief and Development Aid (ERADA / اراده )